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Let’s Talk!
We’d love to know more about you and answer any questions or concerns you might have. Email us below and we will contact you as soon as possible.
I'm New...
If you're new to Trinity,
or new to Christ...
We've all been there...meeting new friends, starting a new school, moving to a new community, starting a new can be stressful.
That's why we have caring, knowledgeable greeters at the front doors to answer your questions, explain our floorplan, and help you get where you want to go.
We hope you will take the time to meet our pastors when you visit. They're happy to make time for visitors, especially after the service concludes.
And for those who are new to following Jesus Christ, we would be happy to arrange to meet with you in your home or at a coffee shop or at our church location to discuss such common questions as:
Who is Jesus?
How can I understand the Bible?
How can I pray effectively?
What about the church?
Don't let "newness" keep you away. The changes God makes in our lives are always good, and we can help make them easier!
Our Faith
We are one part of the global Church of Jesus Christ, comprising all who consciously follow Him as their Leader, out of every nation, culture, and language.
We are Evangelical, Trinitarian, and Pentecostal, affiliated with the General Council of the Assemblies of God, Springfield, Missouri. The four major tenets of our faith include:
Salvation through Jesus Christ, who provided the supreme sacrifice for sin
The baptism in the Holy Spirit to empower Christ’s followers for life and service
Divine healing for the sick as provided by Christ’s death
The second coming of Christ, as He returns for His followers, and sets all things in order
While the Assemblies of God is noted for its distinctive belief in the Holy Spirit baptism and His gifts, the primary message of our church is redemption: through personal, practical faith in Jesus Christ, who suffered and died in the place of us all, every person may find forgiveness, salvation, and eternal relationship with God.
We believe that the experience of God’s mercy creates a conduit of divine blessing that overflows to others in acts of mercy, love, and service. The church exists to make Christ known both by living according to and proclaiming His words.
We welcome you to follow Him with us!
Our Affiliations
Trinity Community Church is formally affiliated with the Assemblies of God, a "voluntary, cooperative fellowship" of Pentecostal churches born in the flames of revival near the turn of the last century. Formally convened in 1914, in Hot Springs, Arkansas, the fellowship has swelled to over 3.25 million adherents in about 13,000 churches across the United States, and over 69 million adherents in more than 210 other nations of the world.
While each Assemblies of God church is unique, from its personality and style of worship to its weekly schedule and choice of literature for study, they share a common faith and doctrine and a quasi-congregational form of government.
The headquarters of the General Council of the Assemblies of God is located in Springfield, Missouri, from which the national ministries and worldwide missions are directed.
The Assemblies of God is divided into 66 geographical or language districts. Ours is the Northern California-Nevada District, encompassing Northern California (from Fresno to the Oregon border) and the entire state of Nevada, and is headquartered in Sacramento, California.
Trinity Community Church is part of the North Bay Section (Marin and Sonoma Counties) of the NCN District.
Ever interested in promoting the genuine unity of the larger Church, Trinity has also been associated with a trans-denominational association of local pastors and churches in an ongoing effort to deepen the unity and broaden the influence of the Church in the Marin community.